Manufacturer of Pigment Dispersions and Color Concentrates

ISO 9001 | ISO 14001 | ISO 45001

Color in it's best form

CSR Policy.


  1. CSR Policy: Through Sustainable Measure Actively Contribute to Social, Economic and Environmental Development of Deprived Sector of the Society Particularly in the Area of Education, Health Care and Sanitation of Children.

  2. CSR Committee: Will Comprise of Chairman Mr. H.V. Shah, Managing Director Mr. B.B. Sen, Director Mr. C.D. Mehta (as Per Policy the Committee needs to have minimum 3 members of which 2 Board Directors) , Mr. Atish Mehta and Mr. Jinesh Mehta.

  3. Responsibilities of Committee:

    1. The Committee will Upload all the Details on the Website on a Regular Basis.

    2. Committee will be Responsible to Communicate to all Employees the Activity in this Respect and Would try to Involve as many Employees is Possible for such Activity.

    3. Committee will Upload all Details on website on regular basis.

    4. From Time to Time, the Committee Will Report the Status of the Project. Further, on Completion of the Project, Committee will Submit the Final Report to the Board Covering on Benefit and Cost per Recipients of Facilities Provided.

  4. CSR Projects:

    1. Year of Implementation: 2016-2017
      Asha Penn Color Pvt. Ltd. has Implemented the following Projects as a Part of its CSR for the Year 2015-16:

      • Project 1: Cheshire Home, Mumbai
        Cheshire Home Mumbai provides Comprehensive need based Services to Children and Adults with Disabilities which Include Provision and/or Facilitation of Special Education, Inclusive Education, Physiotherapy, Aids and Appliances, Corrective Surgery, Vocational Training and Employment Assistance.
        Asha Penn Color Pvt. Ltd. has Contributed Towards the Tailoring Unit Under their Special Mothers Empowerment Programme.

      • Project 2: Sri Sarada Math, Mograwadi, Valsad
        Sri Sarda Math is the Women’s Wing of Ramakrishna Order, the Center in Valsad was Established in 2000 and Initiated Various Activities with Prime Focus on Underprivileged Women and Girls by Providing them Basic Education and Vocational Training for a Sustainable Development Alongside Character Building.
        Asha Penn Color Pvt. Ltd. has provided 10 Additional Stations to Accommodate the Increased Demand which includes Computers, Computer Tables and Chairs and UPS system for the Computers.

      • Project 3: Khokra Phariya Primary School, Pardi, Valsad
        Asha Penn Color Pvt. Ltd. has provided 4 additional stations for the school’s computer laboratory. Provision includes computers, computer tables and chairs and UPS systems for each of the computers.

      • Project 4: Mukhya Kanya Primary School, Dhobivad, Valsad
        Asha Penn Color Pvt. Ltd. has Provided 8 Additional Stations for the School’s Computer Laboratory which is utilized by Students from Class 6 onwards. Provision includes Computers, Computer Tables and Chairs and a Central UPS System for all the Computers.

      • Project 5: Community Hall in Maswan, Thane
        Asha Penn Color Pvt. Ltd. has Contributed towards the Renovation of the Community Hall in Maswan, Thane. The project has been Implemented through the Rotary Club of Bombay Airport, a Recognized NGO Working in Various Community Projects for almost 30 Years.

    2. Year of Implementation: 2015-2016
      Asha Penn Color Pvt. Ltd. has Implemented the following Projects as a Part of its CSR for the Year 2014-15:

      • Project 1: Tribal School in Maswan, Thane
        Rotary Club of Bombay Airport approachedAsha Penn Color Pvt. Ltd for Supporting their Managed Tribal School towards Construction of Toilets for Children. The Rotary Club of Bombay Airport, a Recognized NGO Working in Various Community Projects for Almost 30 years, which has already Invested 350 Million Rupees to Develop the Schools with Infrastructure Including this Particular Tribal School at Maswan.
        Asha Penn Color Pvt. Ltd. has Contributed Towards the Construction of Toilets for Children and Staff Members at a Tribal school in Maswan, Thane.

      • Project 2: Kumar Shala School, Valsad
        Asha Penn Color Pvt. Ltd. has done the CSR Project with a Government Primary School Named “Kumar Shala No. 1” in Valsad, Gujarat. The Company has set up a Computer Training lab Consisting of 20 Computers and a Projector; a Science lab Consisting of Different Modern Scientific Instruments and a Library Consistingof Different Books that can Fulfill the Requirements of Students. Almost 450 Students of Kumar Shala & Kanya Shala will be Benefited by this CSR Project.

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